“Mixaj” mixes a diverse range of services in the fields of data verification and research such as civil litigation, private investigation, background check, reference check, corporate due diligence, legal advice, legal pursuits.
We are also experienced in the provision of pre-legal amicable collections of dues and debts, negotiating and offering settlement plans on behalf of our clients to collect their funds from their delinquent customers in Egypt.
We also provide the service of due diligence to some multinational medical and pharmaceutical companies to contract and franchise their brands in Egypt.
Should you want to notarize some documents in Egypt, we can help you notarize and authenticate such documents as well as translating it from English to Arabic and vice versa.
If you happen to be some recruitment company and need to conduct a background check on Egyptian candidates or new employees on your side, we could swiftly help you with this by fetching their most updated registered data in Egypt.
In conducting our investigation and verification we shall at all times respect proper professional behavior with the target and comply with the Egyptian law as well as our obligation to the non-disclosure agreements with our clients.